Blood Fat Levels Can Be Lowered Without Medication

Blood fat or also called lipid has a positive role in the body. Blood fats that meet proteins form lipoproteins or cholesterol that are important for the body's cells to generate energy. But blood fat levels are too high, can trigger certain diseases. Lipoprotein itself can generally be identified into two types, namely good cholesterol (high density / HDL) which is useful to prevent clogged arteries and bad cholesterol (low density / LDL) which can increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. Normal total cholesterol level is 200 mg / dL.

Risk Factors for High Blood Fat Levels

High blood fat levels are more risky experienced by people who have the following factors:
  • Eating too much high-fat food.
  • Routinely consume certain drugs, such as steroids, high blood pressure drugs and birth control pills.
  • Hereditary health conditions.
  • Experiencing kidney pain, liver pain, diabetes, hypothyroidism and prolonged stress.
  • The habit of consuming liquor.
Blood fat levels need to be considered, so that high cholesterol levels can be detected and treated early. This is because high cholesterol levels in the blood are not always accompanied by specific symptoms.

How to Prevent Naturally

As a precautionary measure, there are many ways that can be taken so that blood fat levels in the body do not continue to surge to become a source of danger, for example:
  • Always consume lean protein foods, one of which is consuming lean meat or cleaning the fat before it is processed. In addition, you can also replace red meat with fish, such as salmon or mackerel.
  • Limit consumption of fried foods. It's better if the food is boiled or steamed.
  • Discard the chicken skin before processing it.
  • When consuming eggs, you should avoid including egg yolks.
  • Choose milk, ice cream, cheese and low-fat yogurt.
  • Consume enough vegetables and fruit to meet your fiber needs.
  • Avoid consumption of excess sugar and processed foods, such as foods made from wheat flour.
  • Avoid consumption of drinks containing alcohol. The drink contains high calories and sugar which can increase triglyceride levels.
In addition to lowering blood sugar and blood pressure levels, regular exercise also plays a role in increasing good cholesterol levels and reducing triglyceride levels. Several types of sports you can choose, such as walking, swimming, or biking. Try to exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes 4-5 times a week. If your time is limited, do exercise for 10 minutes more than 5 times every week. Various ways above you can do as a natural effort to manage blood fat levels. In addition to this, there are drugs to reduce blood fat levels which are generally given to those who are already at high risk of heart disease. Even so, the consumption of drugs without a change in a healthier lifestyle will still not bring maximum benefits. Consult your doctor further for treatment and recommendations for lifestyle changes needed to control blood fat levels.


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