Blood Fat Levels Can Be Lowered Without Medication
Blood fat or also called lipid has a positive role in the body. Blood fats that meet proteins form lipoproteins or cholesterol that are important for the body's cells to generate energy. But blood fat levels are too high, can trigger certain diseases. Lipoprotein itself can generally be identified into two types, namely good cholesterol (high density / HDL) which is useful to prevent clogged arteries and bad cholesterol (low density / LDL) which can increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. Normal total cholesterol level is 200 mg / dL. Risk Factors for High Blood Fat Levels High blood fat levels are more risky experienced by people who have the following factors: Eating too much high-fat food. Routinely consume certain drugs, such as steroids, high blood pressure drugs and birth control pills. Hereditary health conditions. Experiencing kidney pain, liver pain, diabetes, hypothyroidism and prolonged stress. The habit of consuming liquor. Blood fat levels need to be ...