
Showing posts from November, 2019

Blood Fat Levels Can Be Lowered Without Medication

Blood fat or also called lipid has a positive role in the body. Blood fats that meet proteins form lipoproteins or cholesterol that are important for the body's cells to generate energy. But blood fat levels are too high, can trigger certain diseases. Lipoprotein itself can generally be identified into two types, namely good cholesterol (high density / HDL) which is useful to prevent clogged arteries and bad cholesterol (low density / LDL) which can increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. Normal total cholesterol level is 200 mg / dL. Risk Factors for High Blood Fat Levels High blood fat levels are more risky experienced by people who have the following factors: Eating too much high-fat food. Routinely consume certain drugs, such as steroids, high blood pressure drugs and birth control pills. Hereditary health conditions. Experiencing kidney pain, liver pain, diabetes, hypothyroidism and prolonged stress. The habit of consuming liquor. Blood fat levels need to be ...

7 Causes of Dizziness During Pregnancy It's Easy to Avoid

Dizziness is common in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. You also do not need to worry because dizziness during pregnancy can be prevented by avoiding the following conditions or habits. Dizziness during pregnancy is usually not a dangerous condition, and will disappear with increasing gestational age. But still, this condition can cause discomfort for some pregnant women. Various Causes of Dizziness during Pregnancy Here are some conditions or habits that can trigger dizziness during pregnancy: Anemia Some pregnant women often experience anemia due to lack of iron intake. This causes the red blood cells that carry oxygen to the brain and other organs to be less, thus triggering dizziness during pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended that you get adequate iron intake, especially when entering the second and third trimesters. If necessary, consume iron supplements according to doctor's recommendations. Lack of energy Dizziness during pregnancy can also b...

Come, Learn the Differences in Arteries and Veins Here

Blood vessels are divided into three types, namely arteries, veins, and capillaries. Differences in arteries and veins can be known when we look at it from the side of the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system is responsible for supplying nutrients and oxygen to all body tissues. In addition, the system consisting of the heart and blood vessels also plays a role in bringing the remnants of the metabolic process to the organs of disposal in the kidneys and lungs. Broadly speaking, differences in arteries and veins in the cardiovascular system can be seen in the direction of the blood flow it carries. The arteries carry the blood from the heart throughout the body. Instead, veins are responsible for delivering blood from the body's organs back to the heart. Difference between Arteries and Veins In order to know the differences in arteries and veins deeper, some of the descriptions below should be known first. Blood flowed The body needs oxygen contained in the ...

Common Causes of Bleeding During Pregnancy

Anyone will be scared and panic when experiencing bleeding while pregnant. Bleeding from the vagina during pregnancy does not always indicate a problem. But still you have to beware, especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain. Bleeding during pregnancy is a condition that is quite common in the early trimester of pregnancy. About 20 percent of pregnant women experience bleeding during pregnancy, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. This condition does not always indicate a serious problem in pregnancy. But if you experience it, pregnant women are advised to rest and avoid traveling far or riding a motorcycle on a road that is not smooth. However, this condition must still be watched by pregnant women, because bleeding during pregnancy can be a sign of a miscarriage or other conditions that can endanger a pregnant woman. Common Causes of Bleeding During First Trimester Pregnancy In the first trimester or the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, bleeding d...

Tips for Making Cookies for Diabetes

Cookies have become a common dish in every home to be served to guests or just a snack to chat with. Even so, we must pay attention to the nutritional content behind these tempting tastes, especially if you want to make cookies for diabetes. Crunchy and soft, the presence of cookies becomes a complement, especially on the celebration of the big day. Cookies are generally made from basic ingredients, such as flour, milk, sugar, baking soda, butter, and eggs. Now for diabetics, all of these compositions must be calculated carefully so as not to trigger an increase in blood sugar levels. So that diabetics can also enjoy the delicious snacks, let's see how to make or enjoy cookies for diabetes below. Cookies Guide for Diabetes Diabetics are advised to limit the intake of foods containing sugar and saturated fat. In addition to being high in sugar, pastries also contain butter, milk and cream, which contain saturated fat. Therefore, pastries include foods that need to be avoided b...